Thursday, February 27, 2014

Injured Finger

In March of 2011, I was smart enough to cut off most of my nail and a tiny piece of my finger on a meat slicer...and it wasn't even plugged it. I had just sharpened it and I was stupid and managed to bring my finger close enough to the blade...

So these are pictures 6 days later (I didn't want to give the next day pictures since they look a little gruesome)

Much higher and I probably would have ruined my nail. a different angle and I probably would have had more of my finger cut off.

The lucky thing was that since I had just sharpened the blade I had no pain.

My nail still looks weird. one of the free side goes down farther, but that's the only permanent damage done to my nail.
so you can see I still have the scar on the tip of my finger under my nail, the nerves there never grew back, it's sorta weird 

and here you can see that one of the side drops farther

But at least my nail is safe :)

I had a fun time grossing people out with the split nail though :) 
Keep care of your fingers at work is what this is all about :)